Work with me
3-month private coaching.
Let go of old definitions of who you are, what you “should” do, and what you “could never”. We are capable of so much more than our minds might think.
And simple shifts can make life extraordinary. I’m here to speed up your growth and make the inner work more fun.

If you desire to…
- Advance your career while still having a life outside of work;
- Have the personal vision, sens of purpose and motivation that makes the alarm clock less painful;
- Build the confidence you need to move on from past upsets and start focusing on the future;
- Feel less reliant on any comforts and coping habits that keep you from doing things differentely;
- Have your relationships at work and at home feel more fun and supportive, less tense and draining;
- Solve the mystery of why it feels like a piece of your life puzzle is missing, so you’re no longer wondering what you’re doing wrong, or waiting on the future to change things for you…
Or a mix of any of the above…
I know how to help you change things up, quickly.
Let’s meet first and make sure we’re a great fit for 3-month private coaching together.
What could you accomplish with support from a coach?
I was able to approach my writing practice in a different way. I reconnected with my reasons for writing and managed to draft a short story ahead of a deadline, not last minute. I can warmly recommend Céline as a Life Coach!”
Céline, Writer

Inner work can be a fun challenge.
And coaching with me speeds up your journey. Meaning: you get more insights and take more action, faster.
I offer a supportive, open-minded space & an effective method for creating more of what matters to YOU – adding no more than one sit-down hour a week to your schedule. In between sessions, you’ll take the smallest, simplest steps that change things now…
And you’ll make, vast inner-leaps that shape your future for years to come.
Have We Met?
I’m Céline Leclef.
I’m a Certified Life Coach.
I believe in the power of my methods to spark life-changing self-awareness and focus your energy on what brings lasting meaning and satisfaction.
As a caring, non-judgemental professional, I’m here to walk alongside you and gently pick up the pace of your personal and professional growth. To help you get the confidence boost you need to meet your present challenge.

I’m here for the big thrills, and the little details.
Coaching with Céline showed me things I was completely blind to. My deepest thoughts. It is so thrilling. It feels like we’re detectives looking for clues and searching for the bigger truth. Celine listens to every tiny detail, making me feel so special. She helped me understand myself and the world better.”
Sima, Marketing Manager
I know what it’s like to have plenty of ideas, but little-to-no space to think about exactly what you want, when, why or how.
No time to ask those big questions…
Who are you beyond your roles and responsibilities?
Are your efforts still aligned with the legacy you want to leave, and the person you are deep down?
What do you really see for yourself in the future? How has your vision changed?
And what can you do to let that person emerge?…
Let’s play with what’s possible, and find more of who you are in the challenge.
I’m here to help you:
- Figure out which big moves actually make sense for you; i.e., changing positions, accepting offers, moving cities, starting businesses, getting married, etc.
- Turn down the volume on work stress and career self-doubt so it no longer stops you from taking action.
- Confidently negotiate for your desired salary, fee, contract or position because you’ve thought it through it with intention.
- Show up in a highly-competitive environment without losing yourself – and turn even difficult colleagues into allies.
- No longer be a ghost to friends or family. Relax, connect and celebrate more — but without shooting your career in the foot.
- Create a balanced, productive routine you genuinely love — rather than trying to force yourself into someone else’s model.
- Become more effective, connected and vibrant as you learn to love and accept where you’re at, who you are and who you’re with.
- Develop the mindset that will serve you to be the leader you want to be, and do the things you care about.
Ready to dig in?
We start with a free get-to-know-you call to make sure we’re an excellent fit.
Less volume to the voice that says you can’t.
More confidently doing what you want deep down.
After 3 months of life coaching:
- You know what the best-version of you would do, giving you confidence to make tough choices and spend less time waiting for life to happen.
- You love the reasons behind your choices, resulting in increased willpower to overcome resistance and do what you want and need.
- You have more energy to do what matters, because you’ve cultivated self-kindness and waste less energy being hard on yourself.
- You know you’re choosing a life, each day, that will deeply satisfy you, rather than letting time decide your future for you.

Let’s speed up your personal evolution.
3-month private coaching package includes:
12 weekly 60-minutes customized sessions
On Zoom or in-person in Dubai.
Expect a customized journey where the course of our work is tailored to your present and future needs and desires. Each week, I hold space for you to explore yourself and whatever’s most important to you without judgement. Each session is comforting yet gently challenging: a good and desired workout for your mind.
You’ll be actively doing the inner work you need to take steps towards your true desires, which can leave you feeling lighter, more energized and at peace. And you’ll walk away with simple, concrete expercises you can put into practice to create the change you seek.
Between-session support & accountability.
Throughout our time together, I guide you to follow through on your priorities without dismissing the twists and turns of life. We’ll check in via Whatsapp to see how it’s going for you with the new practices, thoughts and exercises.
This support is especially useful when you’re coping with challenging emotions that repeatedly come up on the journey of personal growth. Instead of reverting back to familiar strategies, drop me a note. I’ll help you reframe your experience, soften any resistance, and follow-through on what you set out to do no matter what.
We start with a free get-to-know-you call and no expectations.
Whether you have a strong feeling you’ve found your coach,
or still have some questions, start here.
This free call will help clarify your best-next-step as we confirm if working together is a great fit. I’m happy to create this small space for you to contemplate what’s important.
P.S. Inner work does not have to be tedious or time-consuming.
You don’t have to spend hours alone in your journal, reading, or on a silent meditation retreat (unless you want to!) to answer life’s biggest questions and find the next best version of you.
Even introverts are social creatures and many of us (including me!) benefit from doing this work with guidance, presence and collaboration from another person who can point to what we’re not seeing.
I’m here to hold a caring, comfortable space where you can be asked the right questions. A space you look forward to entering week after week. And a customized toolset you love to use.
How can you make this life best-for-you?
I believe you have the answers.
All the capacity you need is within you. And you don’t have to go it alone. Working with me speeds up your process, and makes the inner work a lot more fun.

Let’s explore who you want to be in 3 months.
It’s the things that really make you feel something — even doubt or fear – that are often worth exploring.
Whether or not coaching together is a fit, I invite you to take an exploratory step and book a call with me.
Or contact me if you have a quick question.
Before you go…
Keep me in your inbox for when you want to talk.